My Heart is Too Big for My Chest

Bernie Siegel, an American writer and retired pediatric surgeon, writes on the relationship between the patient and the healing process. He observed that we should find a chronic illness and take good care of it. I have observed family and friends deal gracefully with cancer, diabetes, depression, alcoholism, stroke, heart attack and AIDS.

In my case I’ve wrestled with my heart. I’ve had an irregular heartbeat for over twenty years. This has led to blood thinners, cardioversions, ablations and open heart surgery. I enjoy going to the gym to push and strengthen my heart. This includes zumba dance and boxing lessons. I’ve learned a lot about nutrition with my weight watcher cookbooks and enjoy a mediterranean diet.

My hope is that I breathe in and let go of fear and negative self judgment to remain open hearted. One of my cardiologists observed that the shape of my rib cage may contribute to the disco beat of my heart. There is rich art and literature on broken and open heartedness for inspiration.

Only the Heart

If a wealthy person brings a hundred sacks of gold,
God will only say,
“Bring the Heart, you who are bent double.
If the Heart is pleased with you, I am pleased;
and if the Heart is opposed to you, I am opposed.
I don’t pay attention to ‘you’; I look to the heart;
bring it, poor soul, as a gift to My door!
Its relation to you is also mine:
Paradise is at the feet of mothers.”
The heart is the mother and father
and origin of all creatures:
the one who knows the heart from the skin is blessed.
You will say, “Look, I have brought a heart to You.”
God will respond, “The world is full of these hearts.
Bring the heart that is the axis of the world
and the soul of the soul of the soul of Adam.”
The Ruler of all hearts is waiting
for a heart filled with light and goodness.

Rumi                                        Mathnawi V, 881-88